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Thursday, January 23, 2020

calling your bluff

when you lie to me its in the small stuff 


I’m grieving the potential
The ‘what could have been’
The days they warned me 
Not to think too far ahead 
Because it is, remember- 
one day at a time 

I met your friends, 
But only in my mind
Dazzled them with my charm and intensity
Now I worry what they say about me 

My friends try and reassure
“Honestly sounds like you dodged a bullet?”
but I worry
someone, somewhere, at some point
Has said the same about me 

I am watching something with so much potential
Disintegrate before my eyes

Surely, pain is pain
Every heart break will feel different 
But I’ve had harder conversations
Faced harsher endings
Endured worse heartbreak

No disrespect 
(As I know you have too)
I’ve been through worse shit than this 

Today I thought you were goading me
And it didn’t sound like you 

I shouldn’t have to go through my activity 
With a fine-toothed comb
To find the thing that 
you obsessed over 

You said
Thank you for showing me 
kindness and tenderness and sweetness 
That I’ve never seen been before

A bitter voice in me is screaming 
I’m tired of being that person to other people 
Being steady in the face of emotional turbulence

We never took that photo together
I never got the story on your middle name

I have already romanticized you 
I turned you into a poem 
You will be in my head for months

I should know by now
You’d think I would learn my lesson
They tell me I am too hard on myself 
That its part of being human 
But I feel myself backsliding

Here I am again
With my claws in
Unable to let go

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